Portfolio of Work
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By Laura M
On 18, Sep 2014 | No Comments | In Design | By Laura M
“What Inspires You?” Contest
The “Inspiration is Everywhere” contest concept was created for Hanwha Surfaces with the goal of expanding awareness of their products to architects and designers who specialize in commercial design. Deliverables for this project included:
- A mailer to “promote inspiration” that was filled with a sketch pad, silly putty, bubble, coffee, gum and a funny mask. This was sent to Hanwha’s top distributors that then sent the boxes to their top design firm contacts.
- A microsite for the contest with ability to upload an entry utilizing video, pictures, and text. Entries were then displayed in a gallery where other registrants could “like” or “tweet” the entries they liked the best.
- A direct mail piece to promote the contest on a larger scale than the mailer box.
- An email marketing campaign to further spread word about the contest.
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By Laura M
On 18, Sep 2014 | No Comments | In Branding Design | By Laura M
Professional Organizing by Lora
Logo and business card were designed for Lora Wonnacott, professional organizer and owner of Professional Organizing by Lora.
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By Laura M
On 18, Sep 2014 | No Comments | In Branding Design | By Laura M
Lindsay Stoulil, Personal Chef and Dietian
Logo and business cards were created for Lindsay Stoulil, a personal chef and dietian based in Brooklyn, NY.
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By Laura M
On 18, Sep 2014 | No Comments | In Design User Experience | By Laura M
As the creative team lead for the design update of of wigs.com, I was responsible for creating an updated style guide, new front-end graphics, and working with the development team to adjust usability and functionality.
Visit the live site at www.wigs.com
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By Laura M
On 18, Sep 2014 | No Comments | In Design | By Laura M
Royal Bank of Canada
The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) wanted to create a completely secure way to submit a loan application digitally without losing the face-to-face time between their loan officers and potential applicants. My team at Maloney Strategic Communications (MSC) came up with a solution: a paperless loan application. The loan officer would present the customer with this CD sleeve that would contain their business cards and instructions on how to apply. The sleeve contained an interactive CD that would launch the step-by-step loan application process. Once the applicant finished the loan application, they would be prompted to save the loan on the zip drive provided in the sleeve. The applicant would then take the zip drive back to the loan officer, where the loan officer would load the application to their computer and return the zip drive to the applicant so that they could keep the zip drive and utilize it in the future.
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By Laura M
On 18, Sep 2014 | No Comments | In Design | By Laura M
Mary Kay Look Book
This project was the very first product catalog created for Mary Kay India. It was produced and designed at the Mary Kay headquarters in Dallas, and printed in China with a local printer selected by the Mary Kay Asia Pacific headquarters in Shaghai.
The new style established for the Mary Kay India launch became the starting point for the Mary Kay brand redesign. Soon after the launch, changes were made globally to the website, products, packaging, and print materials to match the new style established by our team.