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In Blog

By Laura M

Logo Design Update for Brandpointe

On 16, Feb 2010 | 4 Comments | In Blog, Logos | By Laura M


Brandpointe is an industry leader in career training, employee productivity and performance solutions. Brandpointe offers two distinct training paths – Work Ready and Job Ready. JobReady is designed for individuals looking to make a career change or to move up within their field. WorkReady is designed for people that have a job that are looking to expand their skill set, or the skill set of their employees, through training sessions, learning events, and individual study. In addition, a new program called Ovation is designed for anyone looking to network and connection with others in the Brandpointe community.

In December, I was very fortunate to meet Jasmin Brand of Brandpointe at a Spark Club meeting/networking event. Shortly following the event, Jasmin and I began to discuss her business and her upcoming upgrades, including the addition of the Ovation community and the launch of a new online classroom to the website.  With all of these upcoming improvements, Jasmin and her team at Brandpointe were looking to upgrade their current identity and add cobranded identities for Job Ready, Work Ready, and Ovation.


Step 1
Determine the Style Guide

Because this was an upgrade, and not a redesign, the overall style of the logo had already been established. The logo would be lowercase, with an emphasis put on the “e” in Brandpointe, there would be some kind of dot grid/pattern in the icon, and the colors would remain consistent. The goal was to create something more polished, not to create an entirely new identity.

Determining the style guide from this starting point was focused on selecting a typeface and an updated color palette (color palette options shown below). Several rounds of typefaces and colors were discussed, but ultimately a serif font with an updated cerulean blue was selected to represent the new Brandpointe.


Step 2
Create an Updated Icon

The new tag-line for Brandpointe was determined before design took place. It was imperative that the new tagline, “Bringing education full circle,” be represented by the new logo. For this reason, it was proposed that the new logo icon represent a circle more than a grid in the design execution. Several placement options were sketched out and discussed, but it was ultimately decided to have the icon at the end of the logo to emphasis the “e” in Brandpointe.


Step 3
Creation of Cobranded Logo – Job Ready, Work Ready, and Ovation

The cobranded logos were programs within Brandpointe, and needed to relate back to the original logo. Since Job Ready and Work Ready were both training paths, it was determined that these cobrands should share the same style. The blue and the green in the Job Ready and Work Ready logos match the colors in the Brandpointe logo. It also further supports the branding goals, since the circles within the icon of the Brandpointe icon match the logo icons for Job Ready and Work Ready.

The cobranded logo for Ovation was treated a little differently. In our initial meeting, Ovation was described as the “Twitter” of Brandpointe. So the identity should be relevant to the Brandpointe logo, but also be able to stand alone as with it’s own identity independent of Brandpointe. The decided upon icon for the Ovation logo was the same as the Brandpointe logo but with a different typeface and color palette.


Next Steps

Now that the design process is complete, I am helping Jasmin and the Brandpointe team with the implemention of the logo on all social media channels and the new website (set to launch March 1st). Soon to come will also be updated business cards and office signage.


  1. Love it! Thanks for sharing the process.

    • Laura V

      Thanks, Jared!

  2. I love it when designers walk me through the process. It gives you such an appreciation for everything a great designer is trying to capture. I’m sure Jasmin is pleased, cuz it looks great to me.


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